Logos Sermons

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e.g., Genesis 1:1
e.g., discipleship
Topical sermon outlines
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Jump-start your sermon prep with thematic outlines covering everything from Genesis to Revelation.

Logos Sermons  •  2,800 views
Defeat of Satan
Defeat of Satan
Logos Sermons  •  2,159 views
Abuse of love
Abuse of love
Logos Sermons  •  895 views
Famine, spiritual
Famine, spiritual
Logos Sermons  •  2,990 views
Peter the apostle
Peter the apostle
Logos Sermons  •  1,614 views
Logos Sermons  •  1,112 views
Premium sermon illustrations
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Find the perfect sermon illustration from a growing collection of anecdotes, stories, quotes, and more. New illustrations are added every month.

Find illustrations on influence, evangelism, commitment, and more from Premium contributor Jim L. Wilson, professor of leadership formation and the director of the doctor of ministry program at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary.

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Discover God's Word
23 items
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
24 items
Rooted in the Word of God
24 items
Disciples Making Disciples
17 items
Fasting and Prayer
22 items
Topical sermon starters
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Scripture, quotes, and media for themes like family, vision, conversion, and more.

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Is the Bible really Gods Word part 1?
Is the Bible really Gods Word part 1?
Kingdom Way Church  •  378 views  •  1:17:38
Hebrews 1:1-3
Hebrews 1:1-3
Old Town Christian Fellowship  •  499 views  •  39:10
Sanctification 2
Sanctification 2
Homerton Baptist Church  •  273 views  •  21:14
Jesus: The Miracle Worker
Jesus: The Miracle Worker
FHCC  •  522 views  •  36:53
Sermon resources

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